Quick Information


The project isn't currently linked anywhere, since it was a prototype release. A proper release will appear some time in 2014.


Title Menu

Select Music

Player Options




none that I know of

Theme Breakdown

freem has once again taken up the task of porting a StepMania 3.9 theme to StepMania 5. This time, it's the theme to DDR foonmix, a fan package from 2004. The prototype release of this theme was used as a base for Reiaya's DDRMAX2 theme.

Comments in this section pertain to what work needs to be done before the theme can be considered "finished" and ready for release.


The released version only properly supports Event Mode.

Select Music

This screen is mostly complete, just a few small things need to be done.

Player Options

The player options menu just needs to be checked for accuracy.


The current work that needs to be done for ScreenGameplay involves transitions and Oni Mode.


The evaluation screens probably need the most amount of fixes.